My family is new to the world of chicken-keeping. Funny busy noisy creatures those chickens. But inclined to running all over the place when attempting to direct them from one place to another. Block one bird from running off course, then look around and another one has doubled back and is heading back to the pen … or off to dig up a worm in a totally different area of the yard.
Kind of like keeping real estate transactions on course. Sometimes it takes a lot of arm waiving and shirt flapping to keep everyone moving in the same direction from start to finish. But persistence does pay off. Sometimes you have to pick one chicken up and carry it to the final destination. Seems like I’ve done that in my real estate career just a few times! Well, I guess I haven’t actually picked up any clients and carried them around, although sometimes it felt like it!
The business of real estate is hard work. It takes perserverance, tenacity, professionalism, exacting and timely actions, smiling personality, and a lot of arm waiving and shirt flapping as well.
Maybe my career in real estate has trained me well for chicken-keeping! Or maybe it’s the other way around. Give me a call if you ever need someone to herd your real estate transaction through from start to finish.