I like to consider myself a resource for sellers who are considering their options. Should they pursue a short sale? Should they just walk away? Should they just try to hang on no matter what?
Recently I had an opportunity to meet with a wonderful couple that were truly truly trying to do “the right thing,” as they phrased it. We met for a couple of hours while they showed me around their home.
Their pride was obvious. This house was their baby. They’d improved and lovingly planted almost every inch of the yard … and the inside was eat off the floor clean. Every room was polished and tidy. They were devasted that life had taken an unfortunate turn and they just couldn’t figure out how to hang on any longer.
After talking through the options, I sent them to talk to the other necessary experts — the attorney and the accountant.
Yesterday the husband called me back with an apologetic voice: “The attorney said that it would make absolutely no difference whether we let the bank just have the house, or short sale it. We’ve decided to just walk away.” He was distraught, thinking he’d “wasted my time!”
Heavens. Sometimes a short sale is just NOT the right answer. I reassured him that I was so happy to have met him and his family and wished them well.